With SuperSearch/MegaSearch you can search articles and browse newsgroups for content posted on Usenet in the last 12+ years.
SuperSearch has the same functionality as MegaSearch, with the only difference that SuperSearch searches back 30 days while MegaSearch searches back 12+ years.
Searching Usenet
The main search fields are "Subject Keyword Search", "Newsgroup Keyword Search" and "Poster Keyword Search".
- The minimal length for each keyword is 2 characters.
- You can combine as many keywords as you like, separated with a space or Boolean Operator.
- To exclude search results for specific words, just place an exclamation mark (!) or dash (-) in front of the keyword.
Tip: To exclude search results for specific words, just place an exclamation mark (!) or dash (-) in front of the word.
Example: !german or -sample.

Subject search field
Here you enter the keyword(s) to search Usenet for articles based on their subject or title, like searching for a filename. You can combine this field with the other search fields to get a more accurate search result. This field (like all other fields) is optional and can be left blanc in case you prefer to search using just one of the other search fields.
Newsgroups search field
Here you enter the keyword(s) to search for specific newsgroup(s). You don't have to enter the full newsgroup name. A single word like "mac" or "pictures" is enough to respectively search for all newsgroups containing the word "mac" or 'pictures'. To get a more accurate result you should use a longer search phrase like "pictures wallpaper" to only search the "newsgroup". You can combine the other search fields to get a more accurate search result, but that is not necessarily. If you leave the other search fields blanc then you'll get all the postings from searched the newsgroup(s).
Newsgroups selector
Clicking the icon next to the search field will popup a box with all indexed newsgroups where you can choose from.
The popup box also has an option to request non-indexed newsgroups, in case that your favourite newsgroup hasn't been indexed yet.
Poster search field
With this search field you can search for posts by a specific poster. Combining with the other search fields can narrow your results, but isn't necessarily. Keywords, Boolean Operators and exclusions are just like the other search fields supported.
Tip: All search fields support BOOLEAN operators like "AND", "OR". Uppercase and parentheses are required. Example: (cars OR plains) AND (red OR green). See search technics.
File size search fields
You can use these fields to search for files not larger or smaller than requested.
Content type selector
Choose between general or erotica newsgroups.
To increase the speed of the search results, we have indexed the general and erotica newsgroups into separated clusters.
For that reason you need to select the content type before you start your search query.
Password filter
Exclude password protected files from the search results.
Obfuscation filter
Nowadays usenet is full with articles that contain obfuscated titles. Obfuscated titles are scrambled names like "3hb45cd323aa76ed.rar". To exclude obfuscated titles in your search results or when browsing newsgroups, turn on the obfuscation filter.
Broken files filter
Exclude incomplete or broken files from the search results.
Click the button to post new articles to usenet or reply to an existing article. This function also allows you to send files to usenet. Please respect the intellectual property of others and do not post copyrighted material without the permission of the copyright holder.
Filter Results Field
This search field allows you to search in the search results.
Tip: To get rid of all the obfuscated titles and password protected files in your search results, use the filters.
Advanced search technics
To get more accurate search results in MegaSearch you can use the following advanced search technics:
Exclude search results with specific words
To exclude search results containing a specific word then enter the word in the search field with a ! (exclamation mark) or - (dash) in front of the keyword.
For example: You want to search for pictures with cars, in any colour but red then use the search phrase:
"jpg cars -red" or "jpg cars !red" (don't use a space between the mark and the keyword)
AND / OR operators
You can also use and/or operators in your search phrases.
IMPORTANT: The AND / OR operators must be written in uppercase letters and between parentheses.
Example 1: You want to search for pictures with cars, but only red OR blue cars then use the search phrase:
Subject search field: "jpg cars (red OR blue)"
Example 2: Search for JPG pictures containing green non-convertible cars:
Subject search field: "jpg cars (green AND -convertible)"
Example 3: Search JPG or PNG pictures from Houston OR Texas US Reals except the ones from 2017:
Subject search field: "us rail ((houston OR texas) AND (jpg OR png) AND -2017)"
Example 4: Search for buffalo JPG pictures in both newsgroups +
Subject search field: "jpg buffalo"
Newsgroup search field: "(aviation OR rail)"
The default operator is AND, so if you just use a space between the keywords then the space will be replaced by AND.
Regular expressions (regex) are not supported at the moment.
Browsing newsgroups
MegaSearch isn't just for searching content, but also a fine newsgroup browser.
To browse a newsgroup, just type the name of the newsgroup (or a part of it) in the 'Newsgroups search field' and leave the other search fields empty. This way you get all the postings from the newsgroup. You can also click on the icon next to the newsgroups search field to select newsgroups.