Release Notes

Usenapp 1.27.4 - 06-JUN-2024  Download

  • Fixed: Download shortcut CMD-D didn't work on Sonoma
  • Fixed: Issue with MIME content
  • Fixed: Issue with some Spotweb sites
  • New: Usenapp now automatically adds (was: <old subject>) after changing the subject.
  • New: Replying to a changed subject will strip the (was: <old subject>) part.
  • New: Option to cancel your postings (if supported by your news server).
  • New: ImageViewer space/shift-space = next/previous image in folder.
  • New: ImageViewer delete/backspace removes the current image from disk.
  • New: SHIFT-OPTION-N opens the newsgroups/subscriptions window.
  • Fixed: Minor TCP issue with GigaNews.

Usenapp 1.26.8 - 21-MAY-2023

  • Fixed a rare issue in the thread overview.
  • Fixed some small GUI issues.
  • Connection responses are displayed more clearly.

Usenapp 1.26.6 - 08-APR-2023

  • Fixed: An issue with deep extract that caused a crash.
  • Fixed: PageDown/PageUp by pressing the spacebar was broken in Ventura 13.2+
  • Fixed: The ‘Cleanup’ feature didn’t always remove the requested files.

Usenapp 1.26.2 - 17-FEB-2023

  • Fixed: Some minor issues in the GUI.
  • Improved: Support for many more charsets.

Usenapp 1.26.1 - 03-FEB-2023

  • Fixed: Some package files were extracted as normal zip files.

Usenapp 1.26 - 28-JAN-2023

  • Minimum requirement is macOS 10.11 (El Capitan) again.

Usenapp 1.25.5 - 27-JAN-2023

  • Added: Option to display the 'server response' of a Newznab/Spotweb server test.
  • Added: X-Face is now fully supported.
  • Added: X-Face profile configurable per identity.
  • Added: Turn system to sleep when done.
  • Added: Beep sound to auto shutdown/sleep counter.
  • Added: Support for euc-kr, euc-cn, euc-jp and euc-tw charsets.
  • Removed: Previous X-Face settings.
  • Fixed: A minor issue in the TCP socket.
  • Fixed: The "X-Face:" prefix is now automatically removed from the string when pasted into the text field.
  • Fixed: The OutlineView did not respond to mouse clicks above the threads lines.
  • Fixed: Some package files (epub,pdf,etc.) were extracted as normal zip files.

Usenapp 1.24.3 - 12-DEC-2022

  • Added: Auto shutdown feature.
  • Added: Option to write the Queue Log to disk.
  • Fixed: Some issues in the message editor.
  • Fixed: Color selector didn't work.
  • Fixed: APK files were not handled as packages.
  • Fixed: Support for KOI8-R,KOI8-B,KOI8-RU,KOI8-U decoding.
  • Fixed: Some character decoding issues.
  • Fixed: A few typos.
  • Changed: New minimum requirement is macOS 10.13 (High Sierra).

Usenapp 1.23 - 23-SEP-2022

  • Added: Option to force delete a subscription.
  • Added: Keyboard shortcut for Download File(s) as… in the newsreader.
  • Improved: Now respecting the cmd key while clicking a link in the newsreader.

Usenapp 1.22 - 30-JUN-2022

  • Added: Option to disable writing to the log file.

Usenapp 1.21.1 - 16-JUN-2022

  • Fixed: Scheduled Bandwidth Limiter didn’t work for several timezones.

Usenapp 1.21 - 06-JUN-2022

  • Fixed: Issue with decoding some Quoted Printables text.
  • Fixed: BDMV content wasn’t copied to final folder.

Usenapp 1.20 - 26-MAY-2022

  • Fixed: Issue with decoding non-UTF8 character sets.
  • Fixed: Some GUI issues.

Usenapp 1.19 - 06-APR-2022

  • Added: Search between dates in MegaSearch.
  • Fixed: Some GUI issues.

Usenapp 1.18.1 - 17-MAR-2022

  • Fixed: Some GUI issues.

Usenapp 1.18 - 01-MAR-2022

  • Changed: Optionally switch between Intel and Apple Silicon Par2 executable.
  • Fixed: Missing files reconstructed by Par2 were not extracted.
  • Fixed: The collapsed state of the Search History panel was not remembered.
  • Fixed: Reply button in erotica mode didn't work.

Usenapp 1.17

  • Fixed: Replacing dots with spaces was occasionally ignored.
  • Fixed: Some minor bugs.

Usenapp 1.16

  • Fixed: Better support for importing NZB files with foreign characters in filenames.
  • Fixed: Some minor bugs.

Usenapp 1.15

  • Fixed: Corrupt RAR5 files caused a crash.
  • Fixed: Deep extraction for 7z files failed.
  • Fixed: Occasional crash with corrupt/incomplete NZB files.

Usenapp 1.14

  • Fixed: "Edit Subscription" did not save the edited subscription name.
  • Fixed: "No Name" issue after editing the subscription name.
  • Fixed: Deep extraction (rar-in-rar) occasionally failed.
  • Fixed: Background color for files was ignored in the Newsreader.
  • Fixed: Issue with resetting Tag color in thread view.
  • Some other minor changes/fixes.

Usenapp 1.13

  • Fixed an annoying bug that caused a crash on some systems.

Usenapp 1.12

  • Improved: Better multi-monitor support.
  • Fixed: A few small GUI issues.
  • Fixed: Occasional crash when archiving messages.
  • Fixed: Occasional issue while moving files to destination.
  • Fixed: Reveal in finder didn’t always work for single downloaded files.

Usenapp 1.11.1

  • Fixed crashing on MacOS Mojave and earlier.
  • Changed: Search History can be turned on/off.
  • Changed: Replacing dots with underscores in newsgroup subfolders is now optional.

Usenapp 1.10

  • Added: ROT13.
  • Added: “Send Message” shortcut SHIFT-CMD-D.
  • Fixed: The file type analyser caused an occasional crash.
  • Changed: Newsgroup subfolders are now created with underscores instead of dots.

Usenapp 1.09

  • Changed: Usenapp now automatically reconstructs textual articles that contain errors.
  • Changed: Several windows can now be closed with the ESC key.
  • Fixed: Some main menu items were not enabled under macOS Monterey 12.
  • Fixed: Pressing the spacebar now correctly jumps to the first unread message.

Usenapp 1.08

  • Changed: Completely rewritten Message Reader/Editor.
  • Added: Rewrap button in Message Editor.
  • Added: Increase/decrease Quote Level (Message Editor).
  • Added: Change font size using CMD+ / CMD- (Message Reader/Editor).
  • Added: "Text Finder" in the message reader/editor (MacOS 11 and up).
  • Fixed: Signature is no longer wrapped (Message Editor).
  • Fixed: Spacebar event did not jump to next/previous thread.
  • Fixed: Broken links were not always corrected.
  • Fixed: Doesn't crash on El Capitan anymore.
  • Fixed: Internal picture viewer no longer writes image to disk (newsreader)
  • Fixed: The rewrap function did not split on words for pasted text.

Usenapp 1.07  Download

  • Fixed: Corrupted/incomplete archives are no longer deleted after download.
  • Fixed: "Show in Finder" didn't always work correctly.
  • Fixed: The temporary extract folder was not deleted after an error occurred.
  • Fixed: Rules for files were ignored in some situations.
  • Fixed: Downloaded files were occasionally removed instead of moved (when source and destination path were the same).
  • Fixed: Issue with calculating free disk space.
  • Fixed: Not all Package files were recognised when extracting an archive.
  • Fixed: Empty folders in Package files are no longer removed.
  • Changed: The speed of moving files between the same volume has improved significantly.
  • Changed: After an extraction error, the successfully extracted files now remain in the temporary folder.
  • Changed: Checking the free disk space has been improved.
    You can now enable/disable this feature for each drive in: Preferences->Download->Folders

Usenapp 1.06

  • Added: Option to create Par2 files when posting files.
  • Changed: Sort MegaSearch on any status.
  • Fixed: Reveal in Finder didn’t work for moved files.
  • Fixed: Some NZB files made Usenapp crash.
  • Fixed: The "Move after download" checkbox was sporadically ignored.
  • Fixed: Bottom indentation in message reader was too small.
  • Fixed: Usenapp is no longer complaining about equal download folders.
  • Fixed: Empty message body with just a signature is no longer posted when posting files.

Usenapp 1.05

  • Changed: Message header is now embedded in the scrollview.
  • Changed: Sort MegaSearch/NZB Search on download status.

Usenapp 1.04

  • Fixed: The text color in the Preferences toolbar occasionally turned black.
  • Fixed: SmartFolders didn’t work for the Newsreader.
  • Fixed: Better handling “Almost out of free disk space".
  • Fixed: Some NZB files caused Usenapp to crash.
  • Fixed: Saving an edited "Queue Job" did not always work.
  • Changed: WatchFolder is no longer scanning sub-dirs for NZB files.
  • Changed: Optionally move NZB files from WatchFolder to trash.
  • Changed: Special colors (Files, Own Posts, Watch) now configurable for dark mode.
  • Changed: Tooltip added for full titles in MegaSearch and NZB Search.

Usenapp 1.03

  • Fixed: Corrupt 7z files were not detected.
  • Fixed: Duplicate titles in the queue are no longer a problem.
  • Fixed: Auto import NZB files from WatchFolder, occasionally failed.
  • Fixed: The "Hide Read" function in the newsreader no longer hides unread files.
  • Fixed: App cache is now cleared on exit.
  • Changed: Some GUI components.

Usenapp 1.02

  • Added: Support drag and drop files to upload.
  • Added: Possibility to change the SmartFolder from the Queue.
  • Fixed: Occasionally hang when downloading small files (jpg/pdf/etc).
  • Fixed: Better extract TV show names from NZB/Download title.
  • Fixed: Case sensitive issues with SmartFolders.
  • Fixed: Some minor TCP Socket issues.
  • Fixed: Support for “Increase Contrast” mode.
  • Fixed: Incorrectly reported “Disk Full” if download folder didn’t exists.
  • Changed: QueueController has been partially rewritten.
  • Changed: The Queue GUI has been updated.
  • Changed: New WatchDogs now use some of the last used settings.

Usenapp 1.01

  • Added: SmartFolders. Store downloads in folders based on subject.
  • Fixed: SmartFolder preferences incorrectly reported "Equal Folders".
  • Fixed: A problem with uploading files.
  • Fixed: Some tiny TCP Socket issues.
  • Fixed: The left threads panel occasionally truncated the poster names.
  • Fixed: Double click on Spotweb row showed the wrong InfoPage.
  • Fixed: Some GUI glitches.
  • Changed: The indentation of the subscriptions (Newsreader).
  • Changed: The indentation of the favourites (NZB Search & MegaSearch).

Usenapp 1.00

  • Added: Statistics
  • Fixed: Cleanup RAR-in-RAR archives (r01,r02,etc.)
  • Changed: New Usenapp Icon

Usenapp 0.99.2

  • Added: View and edit files in Queued Jobs.
  • Added: Choose newsgroup search-mode as "STRICT mode” or “KEYWORD mode" (MegaSearch)
  • Added: Optionally disable or schedule auto Post-processing (Queue).
  • Added: Optionally hide the bandwidth indicator in the bottom bar.
  • Added: Optionally auto pause new queue jobs (MegaSearch & NZB Search).
  • Added: The dialog box for canceling queued jobs is now optional.
  • Added: Optionally replace the dots in filenames with spaces.
  • Added: Optional notification for download finished.
  • Added: File deletion (user defined) is now configurable for downloaded files or extracted files.
  • Added: Optional notification when Watchdog has found a match.
  • Added: User defined delete files are now listed in the Queue Log.
  • Fixed: Issue with downloading single files has been fixed.
  • Fixed: Next page in NZB Search for Spotweb API didn't work.
  • Fixed: Occasional write permission error after parsing NZB.
  • Fixed: Time left value for paused queue items.
  • Fixed: NZB password was stored in folder/filename.
  • Fixed: NZB-Export file naming improved.
  • Fixed: Watchdog reported an error for the default download path.
  • Fixed: Single archives were not extracted.
  • Fixed: Sporadic license issue with error "No valid data received from client".
  • Fixed: Fixed: De-Activating the Usenapp license didn't work.
  • Changed: Higher download priority for PreFetch Operations in Queue.
  • Changed: Complete rewrite of the Queue functionality.
  • Changed: The NZB-Watchdog "unp_temp" folder is now deleted after parsing.

Usenapp 0.98

  • Added: Ability to process queued jobs simultaneously or sequentially.
  • Added: Checking the free disk space on the 'moved after download' drive.
  • Added: The total number of bytes in the queue is now displayed in the bottom status bar.
  • Added: The bandwidth settings can be accessed from the bottom status bar.
  • Fixed: Spaces are now filtered from a new Indexer url.
  • Changed: Removed a lot of unnecessary logging.

Usenapp 0.97.1

  • Added: Merge & download (SuperSearch/MegaSearch)
  • Fixed: NZB-parser did not rename files.

Usenapp 0.96

  • Fixed: Single downloaded rar/zip files were always stored in a subfolder.
  • Fixed: The NZB download folder was occasionally incorrectly truncated.
  • Fixed: Removed line feed character for clipboard copies.
  • Added: Option to hide old articles in MegaSearch.
  • Added: Follow dark/light system settings.
  • Added: "More from newsgroup" in MegaSearch.
  • Changed: Default sorting on newsgroups in subscription window.
  • Changed: ROT13 now encodes/decodes selected text or else the entire text.

Usenapp 0.95

  • Fixed: Threads in the 'Sent' folder were not expandable.
  • Fixed: Exporting messages failed with long filenames.
  • Fixed: Incorrect error message when RAR is password protected.
  • Added: ROT13 support.
  • Fixed: ROT13 cursor position.
  • Fixed: ROT13 didn't work when composing a new message.
  • Added: Choose filename format and extension for exporting messages.
  • Added: Ability to add more subscriptions from inside the preferences.
  • Changed: In edit mode ROT13 no longer encode the prefix and signature.

Usenapp 0.94

  • Fixed: Focus issue in the MegaSearch search fields.
  • Fixed: Progressbar is smooth again.
  • Fixed: Crash on Mac Sierra when opening NZB Indexer view.
  • Fixed: Single files are no longer checked for PAR2 repair files.
  • Fixed: Did not rename hidden files.
  • Fixed: Did not reverse file names when needed.
  • Fixed: A problem with uploading files.
  • Fixed: NZB exports were always written to default download folder.
  • Fixed: NZB export in newsreader occasionally crashed.
  • Fixed: Timeout issue with the TCP Socket.
  • Fixed: Toggling the bandwidth limiter from the bottom.
  • Fixed: Switching main views from the menu didn’t work.
  • Fixed: Expanding threads reported a warning in the systemlog.
  • Fixed: The left view in the message reader did not grow.
  • Added: Unrar v6.03 for ARM64 Silicon CPU.
  • Added: Par2SL for ARM64 Silicon CPU.
  • Added: 7za for ARM64 Silicon CPU.
  • Added: Usenapp now runs natively on Apple Silicon M1.
  • Added: Option to resynchronize the subscription counters.
  • Added: Ability to switch the network on/offline.
  • Added: Ability to reset single connections.
  • Added: Some items have been added in the main menu.
  • Updated: Rar v6.0 is now supported.
  • Updated: A lot of internal routines.
  • Changed: Move single files to root is enabled by default again.
  • Changed: Some internal tcp socket routines.
  • Changed: Some GUI components.
  • Changed: MegaSearch proposal is now using 'strict' newsgroups.
  • Changed: More GUI updates.
  • Changed: The newsreader position has been changed in the Main Sidebar. You can change the position yourself in the Preferences->Interface

Usenapp 0.93

  • Added: SuperSearch/MegaSearch has been upgraded with many new titles and features.
  • Changed: Auto removes dots in downloaded filenames (SuperSearch/MegaSearch).

Usenapp 0.92.7

  • Added: Now renaming single downloaded files to the NZB filename.
  • Fixed: Subfolders of changed titles are now correctly handled.
  • Fixed: Follow up pages are no longer showed as read in MegaSearch.
  • Fixed: MegaSearch bookmarks didn’t write last search date to db.
  • Fixed: Now testing the form settings of a new submitted indexer.
  • Fixed: XRXFormatterNoCRLF in license key textfield.
  • Changed: Some GUI components.

Usenapp 0.92.4

  • Fixed: Keyboard shortcuts didn't work in Newsreader
  • Fixed: Some minor GUI issues on Big Sur.
  • Fixed: Keyboard shortcuts no longer worked in NewsReader.
  • Added: The ability to configure an alternative download folder for each Watchdog.
  • Added: Max number of "Search History" items is now configurable (NZB & MegaSearch)
  • Added: Followup-To: indicator (Newsreader)
  • Changed: Some GUI items.

Usenapp 0.92

  • Added: Bookmarks/Favourites in MegaSearch and NZBSearch.
  • Fixed: Changed the mandatory fields in Watchdog.
  • Fixed: Wrong database filename for MegaSearch history.

Usenapp 0.91.3

  • Added: Super-/MegaSearch is now available in Watchdog.
  • Fixed: Super-/MegaSearch could not always receive the files list.
  • Fixed: Download and Launch didn’t work after moving files.

Usenapp 0.91.2

  • Fixed: Subdirs weren’t created when moving files to their final destination.
  • Fixed: Watchdog entries are no longer paused when an error has occurred (Watchdog)
  • Fixed: (Mega) SearchHistory could not be completely removed.
  • Fixed: Reorder of (Mega) SearchHistory was not saved.
  • Added: Watchdog errors are now visible in the WatchdogLog (Watchdog)
  • Added: 'SSL connection state' indicator in connections view.

Usenapp 0.91

    Administrative update

    Xorox BV, the company behind Usenapp is about to be converted from a corporate business to a sole proprietorship called Xoroxsoft.

    Usenapp release 0.91 is signed as the new company and you will likely get a warning about this

Usenapp 0.90

  • First official non-beta release
  • Added: [MSGID] template added to Reply Prefix (Newsreader)
  • Added: Notification when a message has not been posted due to an error (Newsreader)
  • Added: Api support for Spotweb (NZB search)
  • Added: Supports the "Followup-To" header field (Newsreader)
  • Added: Context menu for customising the columns (Newsreader)
  • Fixed: Composing now selects the news server from selected subscription (Newsreader)
  • Fixed: Issue with decoding some Quoted Printable/Base64 strings (Newsreader)
  • Fixed: Tableview issues under Big Sur Beta 6
  • Fixed: Moving single obfuscated files will now be renamed to the nzb title (NZB search)
  • Fixed: Some minor issues with Spotweb and Newznab handling (NZB search)
  • Fixed: Watchdog timer wasn't working correctly (Watchdog)
  • Fixed: Layout wasn't always restored to the last state (Newsreader)

Usenapp 0.81 - Candidate Release 2

  • Added: Search keyword Highlighting (SuperSearch/NZB Search)
  • Added: Optionally retry downloading failed NZB (Queue)
  • Added: Ignore and kill Threads (Newsreader)
  • Added: Filter for viewing Tagged threads only (Newsreader)
  • Added: Notification "file is missing on all servers" is now optional (Queue)
  • Added: Pause on missing password is now optional (Queue)
  • Fixed: Saving messages in ungrouped threads didn't work (Newsreader)
  • Fixed: Pausing the Queue occasionally resulted in missing segments (Queue)

Usenapp 0.80 - Candidate Release 1

  • Preparations for first official release.
  • Added: NZB Export
  • Added: Queue counter in dock is now optional.
  • Added: Search bar in Editor.
  • Added: Subscriptions with unread articles are bold now.
  • Added: Replied to message indicator.
  • Added: Raw message source viewer.
  • Added: Copy messages to archive.
  • Added: Optionally configure a custom message-ID domain for postings.
  • Added: Optionally hide unwanted table columns in Newsreader.
  • Added: The AppIcon in the Dock now shows the number of items in queue.
  • Added: Files in the Newsreader are marked with a different background colour.
  • Added: Reset the tableview columns to their initial position.
  • Fixed: MacOS Sierra compatibility.
  • Fixed: Sporadic connection problem after the system wakes up.
  • Fixed: Repair blocks after joining could not be downloaded.
  • Fixed: Resetting download history.
  • Fixed: Search history items were not bound by the width of the tableview.
  • Fixed: NZB Search always executed files after download.
  • Fixed: Leading spaces were removed in the message viewer.
  • Fixed: Better formatting of "DelSp" messages.
  • Fixed: Larger area for dragging the window from the toolbar.
  • Fixed: NZB Search sort on date column was incorrect.
  • Fixed: Removed occasionally flickering of the queue progress bar.
  • Fixed: Buttons for collapsing/expanding the side view and bottom view in Queue didn't work.

Usenapp 0.79

  • Added: Ability to continue after repair failed.
  • Added: Optionally move single files to download root folder.
  • Fixed: QuotedPrintable and Base64 were not always used in MegaSearch.
  • Fixed: Better adopting foreign filenames from NZB and Newsreader.
  • Fixed: The repair operation could not be interrupted correctly.

Usenapp 0.78.7

  • Fixed: Download problem after waking up.
  • Fixed: Queue wasn't always removing all cancelled jobs.
  • Fixed: Download status errors were not always shown in the newsreader list.
  • Fixed: Single downloaded files are no longer moved to the download root folder.
  • Fixed: Usenapp could not write to very large folder names.
  • Fixed: Better adopting the folder name from subject.
  • Added: Option to choose the default app for NZB files.
  • Added: Warning when Socket Debugger is active.
  • Added: License information view in the Preferences.
  • Fixed: The download operation was not always downloading all articles.
  • Fixed: Some serious TCP Socket issues.
  • Fixed: Better handling sleep/awake notifications.
  • Added: Watch thread/article.
  • Fixed: Some issues with Base64 en QuotedPrintable decoding.
  • Fixed: Sorting is now possible on all MegaSearch table fields.
  • Fixed: Support for non-ascii characters in poster name.
  • Fixed: Posting subjects with non-ascii characters like German 'umlauts'.
  • Fixed: Queue wasn't always logging finished tasks.
  • Fixed: Queue didn't always start the next item.
  • Fixed: Better handling of files starting with a dot.
  • Fixed: Progress bar in the Queue wasn't always updated.
  • Fixed: Prefetch loop in Queue.
  • Added: Super-/MegaSearch.
  • Added: Download with priority.
  • Added: Progress bar while moving files.
  • Added: Left menu panel switchable between light and dark.
  • Changed: Faster routine for moving files.
  • Changed: GUI has been changed for better compatibility with Big Sur.

Usenapp 0.77.1

  • Changed: Rules editor is now sortable.
  • Fixed: The PAR2 repair library wasn't called, ever!
  • Fixed: Fetching headers after sleep.
  • Fixed: Crash after submitting incorrect license.
  • Fixed: Rules editor now scrolls to inserted object.
  • Fixed: Occasionally black text in Message reader in dark mode.
  • Fixed (?): Progress bar in the Queue wasn't always updated.
  • Fixed: Didn't detect some indexers correctly.

Usenapp 0.76.4

  • Fixed: CVDisplayLink crashes (hopefully).
  • Fixed: Some crashes on Sierra.
  • Fixed: Row wasn't selected after adding new rule.

Usenapp 0.76.2

  • Fixed: Increased stability.

Usenapp 0.76.1

  • Fixed: Possible crash with open Rules window.
  • Fixed: Watchdog didn't handle server errors.

Usenapp 0.76

  • Added: Search field in Rules Editor.
  • Changed: Rules Editor is now opened as a separate window.
  • Changed: Preferences window is a modal window again.
  • Fixed: Disabling Repair/Extract was sometimes ignored.
  • Fixed: Pause extracting failed.
  • Fixed: "Move after download" is now skipped after choosing an alternate Download Folder.

Usenapp 0.75.1

  • Fixed: Adding a "new rule by poster" didn't open the rule editor.

Usenapp 0.75

  • Removed: SuperSearch.
  • Changed: Preferences window is no longer shown as modal window.
  • Changed: Confirmation for deleting Threads and Articles can now be turned off.
  • Fixed: Extension from single downloaded files were occasionally removed.
  • Fixed: Joining files library was always called after repairing.
  • Fixed: Par2 repair blocks were not always adopted from the filenames.
  • Fixed: Removing Indexer now also remove the related Watchdog entries.
  • Fixed: Manually created limiters in signatures are replaced according to RFC-3676.

Usenapp 0.74.1

  • Added: Option to link identities to subscriptions.
  • Added: Optional set default identity.
  • Fixed: Several GUI issues with older MacOS versions.

Usenapp 0.73

  • Added: Export messages to disk (in plain EML format).
  • Added: Import messages (including Thunderbird exports).
  • Added: Printing messages.
  • Fixed: GUI was not compatible with MacOS 10.11+

Usenapp 0.72.3

  • Added: Auto password adoption from NZB meta header & NZB filename.
  • Added: Keyboard shortcut to open Rules Editor (Option+R).
  • Changed: Rules Editor has been moved to Preferences->News Reader.
  • Fixed: Applying a "Delete Rule" in "non-grouped thread mode" wasn't working.
  • Fixed: NZB export occasionally failed due incorrect filename.
  • Fixed: Queue entries counter wasn't always called.
  • Fixed: Collapse button at right top wasn't always updated correctly.

Usenapp 0.72.2

  • Added: Reveal in Finder from QueueLog.
  • Removed: Option to follow the System Color Appearance.
  • Changed: Dark GUI components in Queue.
  • Fixed: Progress bar background color wasn't updated.
  • Fixed: NZB WatchFolder parser didn't work.

Usenapp 0.72.1

  • Added: Dark mode support.
  • Added: Search bar in message viewer.
  • Changed: Many GUI components.

Usenapp 0.71

  • Added: Clickable references in headers view.
  • Changed: Switch between: "Hide read threads only" or "Hide read threads and messages".
  • Changed: Minimal font size for message reader set to 10 pixels.
  • Fixed: Watchdog tableview settings were not saved.
  • Fixed: History in Watchdog editor wasn't shown.
  • Fixed: Remove XOVER function for local subscriptions.
  • Fixed: Selection restore didn't always work as expected.

Usenapp 0.70.1

  • Fixed: Applying defaults to all subscriptions, now ignores the auto download setting.
  • Fixed: Highlight own posts was ignored while fetching new headers.
  • Fixed: Bottom status bar was not update in the Watchdog view.
  • Fixed: Sporadic crash when updating counters in all subscriptions (Steve J.)

Usenapp 0.70

  • Added: Watchdog - auto file search and download.
  • Added: Rules based on subscription.
  • Changed: "Hide read" functions now only hide read threads.
  • Changed: Auto download bodies is now subscription based.
  • Fixed: Signature in editor was not always corrected updated.
  • Fixed: Dot-stuffing wasn't working correctly.
  • Fixed: Better handling of non-existing articles.
  • Fixed: Occasional crash while extracting files.
  • Fixed: Auto-scroll to new inserted rule criterion.
  • Fixed: Toggling the "group threads" now remains selected message.

Usenapp 0.69.3

  • Added: Auto download message bodies. Experimental and off by default.
  • Fixed: Last used newsgroup in SuperSearch was not always updated.

Usenapp 0.69.2

  • Added: Internal picture viewer.
  • Added: Date when Rule was last used.
  • Fixed: Download and execute was not working correctly.
  • Fixed: Resume download when password is set.
  • Fixed: Default GUI settings were sometimes erased.

Usenapp 0.69.1

  • Added: SuperSearch. Search usenet for files.
  • Fixed: New created folders were not editable.
  • Fixed: Default search server was not set.

Usenapp 0.68.2

  • Note: Unfortunately this release will delete all your subscriptions.
  • Added: Vertical and classic layouts.
  • Added: Advanced search function.
  • Added: Archiving articles and files.
  • Added: Sent folder.
  • Added: Group articles by thread or leave ungrouped.
  • Added: Auto download latest headers after interval.
  • Added: Download bodies for all selected articles at once.
  • Added: Colour tagging.
  • Added: Colour tagging in rules.
  • Added: Auto colourising and italicising own posts.
  • Added: Auto delete expired threads and articles.
  • Added: Auto delete expired article bodies (cache).
  • Added: Now subscribe to multiple newsgroups at once.
  • Added: Table "references" for future use.
  • Added: Now accepting NZB drops into the GUI.
  • Changed: Your signature is now visible in the composer window.
  • Changed: Preferences::Subscriptions.
  • Changed: Subscription settings editor.
  • Changed: Quick filter is moved to the toolbar.
  • Changed: Delete now always requires confirmation.
  • Fixed: Dead-loop on older MacOS versions.
  • Fixed: Nasty bug in database routines.
  • Fixed: Progress bar causes crash on NaN.
  • Fixed: Deleted threads were not always removed from the database.
  • Fixed: Quick filter didn't work for poster name.
  • Fixed: Better database optimisation.
  • Fixed: Followups from deleted threads were not visible.
  • Fixed: Drag and drop rules issue.
  • Fixed: Drag and drop servers issue.
  • Fixed: Drag and drop subscriptions issue.
  • Fixed: Newsgroups were not always extracted correctly.
  • Fixed: Focus on input field when creating a new rule.
  • Fixed: Unread count for files was ignored.
  • Fixed: CMD-K always selected the first article.
  • Fixed: Occasional empty filenames.
  • Fixed: Could not download individual files from fileset.
  • Fixed: Downloading just PAR2 files from a fileset was not possible.

Usenapp 0.67.2

  • NOTE: Listed newsgroup strings parsed in the previous versions of Usenapp might start with words like "XRef" or others. To get rid of them, reset the subscription and download the headers again.
  • Added: New Main menu "Go".
  • Added: Introducing a new, really cool thread view.
  • Added: Buttons "Get all Latest" and "Mark all Read" in subscriptions panel.
  • Added: Thread view now shows posted newsgroups.
  • Added: Crossposted newsgroups are now shown in bottom view.
  • Added: Optionally hide read articles.
  • Fixed: URL wrapping.
  • Fixed: Thread view now scrolls to selected message.
  • Fixed: Globalised more keyboard events.
  • Fixed: Cursor keys direction is now corrected in the alert dialogs.
  • Fixed: Tab starts editing the selected subscription name.
  • Fixed: Keyboard shortcuts now respond properly.
  • Fixed: Removed unnecessary refreshing of the bottom view.
  • Fixed: Parsing newsgroups from XOVER string is now fixed.
  • Fixed: Expanding/collapsing the Subscription groups is now saved.
  • Fixed: Deleting the remaining subscriptions was not possible.
  • Changed: Threads in upper view are no longer expandable.
  • Changed: Textfields in bottom view are now selectable (to copy text).
  • Changed: A lot is changed internally.

Usenapp 0.66.4

  • Changed: Usenapp is now using the news server message-id instead of it's own.
  • Fixed: TCP socket is now better handing the 503 server response.
  • Fixed: Huge speed improvement in downloading/parsing headers.
  • Fixed: TCP socket did not always extracted the newsgroup name from a 211 response.
  • Fixed: TCP Socket kept trying to download the newsgroups list during an error.
  • Fixed: TCP Socket did not always responded correctly to connection issues.
  • Fixed: Headers were not always decoded using the correct charset.
  • Fixed: Menu item "Rules" moved to Subscriptions menu for consistency.
  • Fixed: Changed the way lines are truncated when posting messages.
  • Added: Edit subscription and folder names directly in the sidebar.
  • Added: Urls that are posted are automatically wrapped between angle brackets.
  • Added: Connection details are displayed in the status bar at the bottom.
  • Added: Option to update all existing subscriptions with the default settings.
  • Added: Ask a confirmation for every delete action.

Usenapp 0.65.5

  • Added: Auto updates can be turned on/off.
  • Fixed: Fixed more crash issues.

Usenapp 0.65.4

  • Added: Queue count badge.
  • Added: Rule action "Mark as read".
  • Added: Copy subject or poster to clipboard in bottom reader.
  • Added: Confirmation for deleting thread and articles.
  • Added: Smaller font size to choose for table rows.
  • Fixed: Restore windows when minimised.
  • Fixed: Signature editor was editable without selection.
  • Fixed: Sporadic crash while downloading.
  • Fixed: Moved "Window" menu next to "Help".
  • Fixed: Crash while importing file headers and applying rules.

Usenapp 0.64.8

  • Fixed: Some TCP Socket routines for better error handling.
  • Fixed: Removed popup boxes after a server error.

Usenapp 0.64.6

  • Added: Copy subject, filename or poster to clipboard.
  • Fixed: Better handling news server errors/issues.
  • Fixed: Buzzing removed when cursor keys were pressed in the message reader.

Usenapp 0.64.5

  • Added: The size of the thread indentation (in pixels) can be configured in the Preferences->Interface.

Usenapp 0.64.4

  • Fixed: Long URLs in messages will be repaired and correctly quoted.
  • Changed: It is now optional to wrap long quoted text at 80 characters (when replying).

Usenapp 0.64.3

  • Fixed: "bold unread" now applies immediately after changed in the preferences.
  • Changed: Default rule type is now "ALL" instead of "ANY".
  • Changed: The queue interface a bit.

Usenapp 0.64.2

  • Added: Show unread articles in bold (default off).
  • Fixed: Better file recognising mechanism.

Usenapp 0.64.1

  • Added: Settings to enable spell+grammar checking.
  • Added: Remove quoted signature when replying.
  • Fixed: Issue with truncating quoted text.
  • Fixed: Base64 or QuotedPrintable names are now correctly shown in reply prefix.
  • Fixed: Several GUI issues.

Usenapp 0.64

  • Added: Max line length for posting is now adjustable. Default is 78 characters.
  • Fixed: Issues with writing foreign filenames.

Usenapp 0.63.3

  • Fixed: New headers were not automatically downloaded for the first subscription.
  • Fixed: Crash on non UTF8 filenames.
  • Fixed: Counter colour in subscriptions panel was not always updated.
  • Fixed: Filenames with a different charset were not always decoded correctly.
  • Fixed: Headers were not always decoded with the correct charset.
  • Fixed: Removed observers in bottom FileViewer to avoid crashing.
  • Fixed: Timeout while waiting for newsgroups list from slow news servers.
  • Fixed: Traffic light positions after exiting full screen.
  • Added: Reply Prefix is now adjustable.
  • Added: Space and ESC key actions to the alert boxes.

Usenapp 0.62.1

  • Added: Space bar can now select next article or next unread article.
  • Above is configurable in Preferences->Subscriptions->Articles
  • Fixed: Articles count label was not updated after clean command.
  • Changed: Files are now sorted on par->files->volume pars.

Usenapp 0.62

  • NOTE: This update will DELETE all subscriptions due to a new database setup.
  • Changed: Almost all databases are changed for better performance and stability.
  • Fixed: Removed double CRLF after GROUP command.
  • Fixed: Content-charset-type was not always adopted in quoted reply strings.
  • Fixed: CMD-R was ignoring the quoted string selection.
  • Fixed: Subscriptions database is now instantly updated.
  • Fixed: DB lock when writing several queue objects simultaneously.
  • Fixed: Memory clearance after file object was finished.

Usenapp 0.61

  • Added: Keyboard shortcuts.
  • Added: Main Menu items for "Subscriptions" and "Articles".
  • Added: Buttons in Alerts are now selectable with cursors keys.
  • Fixed: RAR5 files were sometimes incorrectly marked as pwd protected.
  • Fixed: Joined 7z files were not always extracted.
  • Fixed: Possible crash while downloading.
  • Fixed: Issue with deleting items.
  • Fixed: Message editor now correctly scrolls to insertion point.
  • Fixed: Next article is now correctly selected after delete.
  • Changed: Several GUI components.

Usenapp 0.60.2

  • Fixed: Broken web urls between delimiters "<" and ">" are now fixed.
  • Fixed: Deleting individual articles in a thread didn't work since v0.58.
  • Added: Sorting the entries in the Navigation Panel in "date" and "poster" mode.
  • Changed: Added bottom space when replying to a message.

Usenapp 0.60

  • Added: Adjustable font type for message reader and post editor.
  • Added: Extremely fast RAR4 & RAR5 password detection.
  • Fixed: Some sporadic issues in the TCP Socket.
  • Fixed: File handles are no longer being reopened for each segment.
  • Fixed: Sporadic crash with yEnc decoding.
  • Fixed: Usenapp temp. cache files are now removed during cleanup.

Usenapp 0.59.2

  • Added: Option to clear all subscriptions.
  • Added: Custom header "Organization".
  • Added: News server information now includes "total new messages on server".
  • Added: Option to use server as "post only server".
  • Added: Keyboard events to the main "articles table". See context menu.
  • Fixed: Sporadic deadloop in XOVER.
  • Fixed: RelativeDateFormatting was not accurate.
  • Fixed: Better handling of auth failures.
  • Fixed: Better use of fill only servers.
  • Fixed: All articles where remove on delete in search mode.
  • Fixed: Status info was not always positioned in Main Window.
  • Updated: Better status info at the bottom.

Usenapp 0.58.3

  • Fixed: BottomView no longer expands when selecting an article.
  • Fixed: Selected article is only downloaded when bottomView is expanded or external Window is open.
  • Fixed: Removed some unwanted socket delays.
  • Fixed: GUI glitched in reader window.

Usenapp 0.58.2

  • Added: Adjustable font size for table rows.
  • Fixed: Some GUI glitches on Mac OSX Sierra
  • Changed: Read message/thread in full window by double clicking row in top view or bottom panel.

Usenapp 0.57

  • Added: External window for reading articles. Double click article to open in new window.
  • Added: Information about newsgroup/subscription.
  • Fixed: Extra linefeed was incidentally appended to lines in the reader.
  • Fixed: Total files (items) in collection was not shown in table.
  • Fixed: Files and messages counter is correct now.
  • Fixed: Some small interface changes.

Usenapp 0.56.4

  • Added: NZB export.
  • Added: Easy quoting. Select the text to quote and hit reply.
  • Added: Full text quoting is optional now.
  • Added: Signatures are in a different colour.
  • Fixed: Very large text articles were not always shown in reader.
  • Fixed: Thread message counter was not updated after deleting a message.

Usenapp 0.56.3

  • Added: Font size adjustable in message reader view and post editor.
  • Added: Custom header type: X-No-Archive optional.
  • Fixed: Icon state in queue was not always correctly updated.
  • Fixed: Some GUI issues.
  • Fixed: Ignore dark mode until supported in Usenapp.
  • Fixed: Files were deleted when Download Folder was equal to Move Folder.

Usenapp 0.56.2

  • Fixed: Several bug and crash fixes.
  • Added: Simple “Unread Only” content filter.
  • Added: Option to view the log file in "File->Open Logfile".

Usenapp 0.56.1

  • Fixed: RAR and ZIP files were not extracted and removed.
  • Fixed: Email address format is more flexible now.
  • Fixed: Some changes to the TCP Socket for better error handling.
  • Fixed: GUI issues on older Mac OS versions.

Usenapp 0.55

  • First public alpha.